How to Style Text in Discord?


Discord is a chatting platform on which we can easily chat with our friends, and send them videos, photos, or documents. Do you know what font does discord use? If not, let me tell you. It uses the “Uni Sans” text by default. But we can change the style of Discord and can use different styles like bold, italic, underline, etc to enhance the level of chatting. Let’s study how to change text styles in Discord. 

How to make text Bold in Discord

Firstly, we will see how to bold text in discord.

At the beginning and end of the text that you wish to make bold, add two asterisks (*). You can produce the asterisk sign by pressing "Shift + 8" while holding down the "8" key. Then it will look like this: **Bold Text**

If you use Discord on a PC then select the text and press "Ctrl + B" on Windows and "Cmd + B" on Mac to make it bold. 

How to Make Text Italics in Discord

At the beginning and end of the text that you wish to make italic on discord, place an asterisk (*). Italicizing text in Discord only takes one asterisk, as opposed to bolding text, which requires two asterisks. In order to italicize a particular text, you need to press and hold "Shift + 8" once at the end of the text.

Then it will look like this: *Italic Text*

How to Use Strikethrough in Discord

At the beginning and end of the text that you want to strikethrough, add two tilde keys. The tilde key (~) is used on Discord to strikethrough text.

On most keyboards, the tilde is located on the same key as the backtick ('). To create "~~" press and hold "Shift + backtick" twice. Then it will look like this: ~~Strikethrough text~~ 

If you use a PC and want to strikethrough text discord then select the text and press and hold ".  

Also Read: How to Change Server Region on Discord?