How to See Liked Posts on Instagram?


Instagram is a platform which offers its users many features which they can enjoy like saving posts, creating highlights, liking posts, sharing them, commenting on posts, sharing stories, etc. One very exciting feature of this platform is that the users can see the posts they have liked. 

In this blog, we are going to tell our users how to see what you liked on instagram so that the users can know what posts they have liked on the platform, so let us begin to know the steps which the users need to follow to see the liked posts on Instagram. 

Steps to See Liked Posts on Instagram for the Users 

For the first step, the users need to launch the Instagram app and then log into their profile if they haven’t done it yet. 

Once on the profile, the users are supposed to click on the three vertical lines which are there on the screen in front of the users. 

After clicking on the three vertical lines the users will get the options in front of them among which the users need to press on your activity option to know how to view liked posts on Instagram. 

Following this, the users are supposed to click on interactions, and then they need to press on the likes option, as soon as the users will press on the likes option the users will be able to see all the posts which the users have liked. 

The users can also unlike a post if they want to use this list by simply pressing on it. 

Now, the users know how they will be able to see ‘ posts you liked on instaghram 2022 but the users will only get this feature on the Instagram app on mobile phones and not on computers or laptops.